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12/09/2018Massimo Paracchini
Massimo Paracchini has entered the” Vittorio Sgarbi Collection” with the photolithographies of two of his works
Massimo Paracchini has entered the” Vittorio Sgarbi Collection” with the photolithographies of two of his works that will be archived, numbered and officially acquired in the collection of drawings and prints of the "Sgarbi Collection"

Massimo Paracchini has entered the” Vittorio Sgarbi Collection” with the photolithographies of two of his works that will be archived, numbered and officially acquired in the collection of drawings and prints of the "Sgarbi Collection" of Villa Cavallini. One of the selected works has been published in the Art Catalogue edited by EA Publishers under the title "The Artists in the Sgarbi Collection: Art of the New Millennium. An Archive of Graphic Works by Vittorio Sgarbi: A Collection for a Future Museum of Contemporary Art, from Figure to Figuration " which will be kept in the library of Villa Cavallini Sgarbi in Ro Ferrarese and distributed to the most important Italian Art Galleries.

Critical remark by Vittorio Sgarbi
The history of a collection is a story of occasions, meetings, discoveries which intersects with curiosity, research and study.
The presence of Paracchini's work in the collection of the prints and drawings of my collection certifies the validity of his stylistic commitment.
Prof. Vittorio Sgarbi

The works aquired by the Sgarbi Collection

1) Title: Alchemic Free Sprinkling on Awakening Woman in Front of the Abstract Spirals of Cosmic Thought

Oil on board: 80 x 60

The artist will have to become a visionary to transcend the Euclidean Arcadian world, its nature and its history, in order to tend towards the outer limits of reality and catch a glimpse of something which goes beyond it thanks to his almost magical touch; he will be led to a transcendental consciousness by an alchemical Free Sprinkling which will allow him to transmute every simple image into a metaphysical and cosmic vision.

As a new Orpheus the artist descends into the underworld of his inner soul to seize the pure essence of everything, trying to defy the hourglass of time and history and he often returns defeated, clutching in his hands only a few straws of gold that he manages to make eternal.

2) Title: Free Sprinkling Overflowing and Sparkling in a Cosmic Dimension in Sirmione in the Hyperdimensional Elliptic Curves of the Mind in Kromotrance.

Oil on board: 60 x 80

The Alchemical Free Sprinkling will eventually become Overflowing and Sparkling because through it the artist must transmute every simple image into a pure cosmic vision and must open a door to transcendental knowledge; just like hermetic alchemy - which was intended to transform base metals in gold, a symbol of light and absolute perfection - he will overcome the last boundaries of reality, by projecting every image into a cosmological perspective where the energy of heaven enters forcefully into the quiet life of daily existence and by subverting every order and rule.

Through his Free Sprinkling Overflowing and Sparkling and his continuous alchemical research the artist can reach a condition of kromohypnosis, that is the experience of a Kromotrance in which there will be the loss of sensory orientation in the Arcadian - Euclidean world in order to enter another transcendental vision, in which he will reach a condition of Kronohypnosis, that is of suspension or loss of the sense of time, which will become infinite, eternal and will bring him into a conceptual, totally abstract, interior and subjective dimension.
From "Transcendental Eidetics of Art"
by Massimo Paracchini





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